Coronavirus Update and Masses on TV

Sunday Masses on Maltese tv:

8am: Super One
9.30am: Tvm2
5.30pm: Net
6.30pm: Xejk
10.30am: NET fm

Daily Mass: 9.30am, 5.30pm (+Rosary) on Tvm2

Saturday Mass: 6.30pm on Tvm2


Parroċċa Ta Xbiex
Mit-12 ta’ Marzu ma hemmx Quddies u Katekiżmu sa kemm jinħareġ avviż ieħor. (From the 12th March there will be no Masses or Catechism until a new notice is issued)


The Start of the Lenten Season: Ash Wednesday

On Tuesday 25th February, there are no catechism lessons for children.

Wednesday 26th February is Ash Wednesday. This marks the start of the Lenten season. This is a day of fasting and abstinence. during all masses of the day, the faithful will receive ashes on their head as a sign of repentance. The 6 pm mass will be concelebrated with short thoughts and reflections on Holy Lent. The way of the cross will be recited on Wednesdays and Fridays during lent starting at 5.25pm.

Irtir Għas-Sekulari Tereżjani


Imexxi l-irtir il-Pirjol P. Mario Borg O.C.D.

il-Ħamis 29 ta’ Ġunju 2017.

Ninġabru fis-Santwarju ta’ Santa Tereża tal-Bambin Ġesù

għall-Quddiesa tat-8.30 a.m. u

wara nkomplu l-irtir

fis-sala “Madonna tal-Karmnu” sal-11.30 a.m.

b’waqfa għall- kafè.

l-Irtir hu organizzat mis-Sekulari ta’ B’Kara

imma kull min hu interessat jista’ jattendi.

The 10th Annual All Inclusive Christmas Buffet Dinner – Booking is now open

The Ta’ Xbiex Parish warmly invites you, family and friends
to the 10th Annual Christmas Buffet Dinner
Saturday 16th December @ 8.00pm

Venue – Gueliz Restaurant
San Antonio Hotel & Spa Qawra

Adults – € 25.00
Children Under 12 – € 15.00

Prices include free flow of house wine, house beer, soft drinks, water & coffee
Transport is not included in price

Organized Transport will depart from near Ta’ Xbiex Terrace @ 7.15pm – Price € 3.00

For more information please contact

Lawrence Zahra on 9945 2859
Maria Zahra on 7949 4323
Publius Cassar on 9926 2181

Email: [email protected]
Booking for this event will close on Wednesday 13 December