During yesterday’s Duluri Procession, Fr Salv announced that Palm Sunday Mass and today’s morning (Saturday 25/3/10) will be held back in the Church.
Duluri – Our Lady of Sorrows
Quddies tal gurnata tad-Duluri – 7.15am, 8.30am, 1pm, imbaghad 5.15pm u 7.30pm (wara l-purcissjoni). Il-quddies tal-5.15pm u 7.30pm se jkunu fuq iz-zuntier.
Video from last year’s procession:
Mass for the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows – 7.15am, 8.30am, 1pm, then 5.15pm and 7.30pm (after the procession). The 5.15pm and 7.30pm Masses will be held on the parvis.
Church Roof update
Ix-xogħol fuq is-saqaf tal-Knisja issa tlesta għal kollox, minn barra u minn ġewwa. Minn din il-ġimgħa bdejna ż-ŻEBGĦA TAL-KNISJA. L-għajnuna tagħkom qatt mhi nieqsa, u ta’ dan nirringrazzjawkom, waqt li nwiegħdukom li niftakru fikom fit-talb tagħna. Grazzi ħafna.
Work on the church roof has finished, both outside and inside. Since this week we have started painting the church walls. All help is appreciated and we thank you for it, and keep you in our prayers. Many thanks.