IL-MAĦFRA – Adorazzjoni Ewkaristika Nhar Il-Ġimgħa 7 Ta’ Marzu Fis-6.30pm
Animata Mill-Kummissjoni Familja
Kristu qiegħed jistennik biex tishar ftit ħin Miegħu, tħallliex jistenna!
FORWARDED From: Gudrun Kugler <>
Subject: Refuse to Sign the Child Euthanasia Law
Refuse to Sign the Child Euthanasia Law Your Majesty: “You are the King of the Belgians and as such committed your people. You are use to signing every law that has been adopted by the democratically elected Parliament, even if you do not agree with them. However, there are laws that will affect not only Belgium but also Europe in the long term. As concerned citizens of Europe, we write you to urge you not to sign this bill, even if it will be a challenge for you to defend this decision. Please do not say yes to the most frightening law on euthanasia worldwide.” Sincerely, Victor Dear Victor, Help encourage King Philippe to reject signing the euthanasia to children law. Today, on the 13th of February 2014, a frightening law that extends euthanasia to children was passed by the Belgian Parliament: Doctors are now permitted to kill children “under the age of 18”who are terminally ill and suffer from severe pain without any prospect of relief. In this new law, the decision to kill a child must be approved by the parents and the physicians in care. It is further necessary that the young patient is aware of the situation and understands what euthanasia means. One can only imagine what this means to a young child who sees their parents in despair over his or her suffering. Sign a petition to encourage King Philippe not to sign this law. Sign the petition here:
This law is unique and it serves as a signal to other leaders throughout Europe that it is permissible to introduce such law in their country. There are also frightening reports of lax or unregulated use of euthanasia not only in Holland, but to an increasing extent also in Belgium. Belgian pediatricians said that the law is not medically necessary as “palliative care teams for children are perfectly capable of achieving pain relief, both in hospital and at home”. Many members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe signed a declaration saying that this law “betrays some of the most vulnerable children in Belgium” and “promotes the unacceptable belief that a life can be unworthy of life which challenges the very basis of civilised society”. After the Belgian Parliament adopted the law, it is now up to King Philippe of the Belgians to sign it. In theory, he can refuse his signature. This is, however, very uncommon and could stir up heated debates. But, this puts King Philippe in a position to make the strongest possible statement for the dignity of every human being. His uncle, King Baudouin, had heroically not consented to a liberalisation of abortion in 1990.
Please sign this petition to ask the King of the Belgians to refuse the Royal Assent. Please help this petition go viral, share with your family and friends!
Sign the petition here:
Thank you for joining us in this global campaign to protect the dignity of all!
Thank you, Gudrun and Martin Kugler, and the whole CitizenGO team —– is a community of active citizens that seeks to defend life, the family and the fundamental rights worldwide.
The Prayer
Please Pass It On – God Bless You.
Quiet time
There is nothing better than other people praying for you. We’re not getting older, just getting closer to home!
Be Still. The instructions are to pick four people you want God to bless.
I pick you. Please pass this to at least four people you want to pray for.
This prayer is powerful, and prayer is one of the best gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards.
Let’s always pray for one another.
Avvizi tal-Parrocca – San Gwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex
2 ta’ Frar 2014 4 Hadd tas-Sena Prezentazzjoni tal-Mulej
1. Dan ix-xahar it-Tlieta nghidu r-Ruzarju fil-kantuniera maA public Rosary will be recited at 5.00pm corner of Triq il-Qoton and Abbate Rigord Street.
2. Il-Gimgha hija l-Ewwel Gimgha tax-xahar. Ikollna l-adorazzjoni ta’ Gesu Ewkaristija l-gurnata kollha b’quddiesa fis-13.00 u fil-17.00 jinghad ruzarju meditat. Wara l-quddiesa pm ssir adorazzjoni minn membri tal-Kummissjoni Familja.
3. Kull nhar ta’ Erbgha, Hamis u Gimgha qeghdin isiru z–|jajjar u t-Tberik tal-Familji bejn l-4.00pm u s-7.30pm. Qed nimxi fuq kif indikat fil-ktieb, Direttorju Kalendarju Parrokkjali 2014. Ghalhekk nistenna li d-Direttorju tifthuh u taraw meta jmissha kull familja. Napprezza jekk min ikollu xi diffikulta dwar dati u hinijiet javzani minn qabel. Huwa importanti li niltaqa’ mal-familja kollha.
4. Il-Moviment ta’ Kana jistieden lil koppji gharajjes ghal Quddiesa mmexxija mill-Arcisqof fil-Kontatidral ta’ S. Gwann nhar is-Sibt 15 ta’ Frar fis-6.30pm. L-Arcisqof se jkellem u jiltaqa’ personalment ma’ kull koppja.
5. Il-Harga ghall-Anzjani u Persuni bi htigijiet specjali se ssir nhar it-Tlieta fl-4 ta’ Frar u nitilqu fid-9.30am. Min jixtieq jigi, hu gentilment mitlub jinkiteb fis-sagristija.
Nappellaw ghal fondi biex ninstallaw aktar pannelli fotovoltajci ghall-uzu tal-knisja. Grazzi.
Parish Notices – St John of the Cross, Ta’ Xbiex
2nd February 4th Ordinary Sunday Presentation of the Lord
1. Public Rosary will be prayed corner with Triq il-Qoton and Abbate Rigord Street at 5.00pm.
2. Next Friday is the first Friday of the month. We hold a Eucharistic Day, with an another Mass at 1.00pm and at 5.00pm Holy Rosary with meditation will be recited. After evening Mass members of the Family Commission will animate a half hour adoration ending with benediction.
3. The Parish Family Visits are being held every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 4.00pm to 7.30pm. Kindly, consult the Parish Directory 2014 for the dates of these visits to your family. Were you to have any difficulties as to date and time of visit, please, be kind and inform me beforehand, so that together we agree on an alternative date and time. Thanks for your collaboration.
4. The Cana Movement invites all engaged couples for a Mass led by the Archbishop at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta on Saturday 15th February at 6.30 pm. His Grace will give a message and after Mass he will meet personally with each couple present.
5. The cultural tour for our senior citizens and persons with special needs will be held next Tuesday 4th February. We leave from the front of our church at 9.30am.
May I appeal for funds towards the installation of more photovoltaic panels on our church roof. Thanks. For more announcements, please, have a look at our Notice Boards.