Ta’ Xbiex Parish Fundraising – BBQ Night Friday 19 September 2014 @ 7.00pm






Potato Salad



Crispy Mixed Green Salad

Prawn Salad

Octopus Salad

Bread Rolls & Butter

Cold Pasta Salad

Aubergines & Courgettes grilled & marinated in garlic & olive oil

Beetroot Salad

Humous & Maltese Bigilla




Chicken Kebabs

Fish Kebabs

3 Types Of Sausages(Maltese, Cumberland & Chicken/Turkey Sausage)

Home Made Beef Burgers

Marinated Pork chops

Jacket Potatoes Or Potato Wedges

Selection of sauces and dressing to accompany the above



Fresh Fruit cuts

  Fresh Fruit Salad


Avvizi tal-Parroċċa – 18-il Ħadd ta’ matul is-sena A


Avvizi tal- Parrocca- San Gwann tas- Salib, Ta` Xbiex

3 ta’ Awwissu 2014 18-il Ħadd ta’ matul is-sena A

1 Il-lum l-ewwel Ħadd tax- Xahar, il-ġabra speċjali  se tmur għas-sistema ġdida ta’ Microphones u speakers li għamilna  fil-knisja. Għad baqgħalna niġbru 4000 ewro. Grazzi tal-ġenerożità tagħkom.

2 Nhar it-Tlieta  5 ta’ Awwissu se jkun Rużarju fl-Apert hdejn it-Ta’ Xbiex Football Club, fis-7pm.

3 Il- Postijiet għal-ħarġa ta’ Għawdex huma mimlijin kollha. Jiddispjaċina li xi wħud kellhom jitħallew barra minħabba li l-postijiet imtlew malajr.


4 L-Adorazzjoni għall-Qdusija tal-Kleru se ssir nhar is-Sibt 9 ta’ Awwissu fil-Knisja tal-Kapuċċini, Xemxija. Il- Laqgħa tibda fid-9:00pm bil-Quddiesa u tibqa’ sejra bl-Adorazzjoni sal-11:00pm. Is-sehem tagħna jkun xhieda ta` mħabba tagħna lejn is-saċerdot u tal-apprezzament tagħna tal-ħidma tiegħu fostna,

Parish Notices – Eighteenth Sunday of the Year A


Parish Notices- St John of the Cross, Ta Xbiex

3rd August – Eighteenth Sunday of the Year A

1 Today being the first Sunday of the Month, the Special Collection will be towards the cost of the installation of the NEW SOUND SYSTEM. We still have to collect 4000 Euros. Thanks for your kind generosity.

2 Next Tuesday 5th August, there will be an open air Rosary said near the Ta’ Xbiex Football Club, at 7pm.

3 The outing to Gozo is fully booked. Sorry for those who wanted to come and been left out, due the fact that seats were booked very quickly. 


A Prayer meeting for the Sanctification of the Clergy is being held every month in different Parishes, the meeting for this month will take place at the Capuchin Church Xemxija on Saturday 9th August. Mass will be said at 9:00 pm and the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue after, up to 11:00 pm. Our participation during this Prayer meeting is a witness of love and respect toward the Clergy and our appreciation for all their pastoral work towards us.