Avviż Kummissjoni Familja – Illum il-Ġimgħa 2 ta’ Frar l-ewwel Ġimgħa tax-xahar fis-6.30pm Adorazzjoni Ewkaristika

Avviż Kummissjoni Familja – Illum il-Ġimgħa 2 ta’ Frar l-ewwel Ġimgħa tax-xahar fis-6.30pm Adorazzjoni Ewkaristika

Il-Paċi magħkom

Nixtieq infakarkom dwar l-Adorazzjoni tal-Ewwel Ġimgħa tax-xahra.

Illum il-Ġimgħa 2 ta’ Frar fis-6.30pm
Adorazzjoni Ewkaristika

Ninġabru bħala komunitá, bħala familja waħda quddiem Ġesu’ Ewkaristija.

Fil-presenza ta’ Ġesù ejjew nidħlu daħla fina nfusna, nitbiegħdu mill-agħagħa tad-dinja u nidħlu “fid-deżert””biex nisimgħu aktar il-leħen t’Alla.

Ġesù qed iħabbtilna il-bieb iżda ma jiftahx jekk ma nkunx aħna li nifthulu minn gewwa biex nilqgħuh.

Int ħa tiftaħlu l-bieb ta’ qalbek?
Trid tisgħma x’irrid jgħidlek?

Live Broadcast: Archbishop Emeritus Mons Joseph Mercieca’s Funeral


The funeral of Archbishop Emeritus Mons Joseph Mercieca will be broadcast on TVM, Radio Malta, Net Tv, One Tv, Radio RTK, Radio Maria and on the website tvm.com.mt. Besides that the YouTube stream below will show the funeral.

It starts at 3.30pm and ends as soon as the funeral corteo leaves the entrance of Valletta for the Mdina Cathedral.


Xandira Live: il-Funeral tal-Arċisqof Emeritu Ġużeppi Mercieca


Il‑funeral tal‑Arċisqof Emeritu Monsinjur Ġużeppi Mercieca ser jixxandar fuq TVM, Radju Malta, Net Tv, One tv, Radju RTK, Radju Marija u fuq il‑website TVM.com.mt. It‑trasmissjoni fuq YouTube ssibuha hawn taht. Tibda fit‑3:30 p.m. u tispicca kif jitlaq il‑korteo funebri minn Bieb il-Belt f’Valletta lejn il‑Kattidral tal‑Imdina.


VIDEO: Ten years ago, Parish Twinning With Sierra Leone’s Holy Family Parish Church

This video was filmed 10 years ago in our parish.. Twinning with Sierra Leone’s Holy Family parish church.
Fr Victor Mallia who was the Parish Priest at that time gave a homily on the occasion.

Twinning with Sierra Leone Holy Family Parish Church

Video filmed 10 years ago in our parish.. Twinning with Sierra Leone's Holy Family parish church. Part 1 of 3. Fr Victor Mallia who was the Parish Priest at that time gave a homily on the occasion.

Posted by St John of the Cross Parish Church Ta' Xbiex on Thursday, 28 May 2015

Video filmed 10 years ago in our parish.. Twinning with Sierra Leone's Holy Family parish church. Part 2 of 3.

Posted by St John of the Cross Parish Church Ta' Xbiex on Monday, 1 June 2015

Video filmed 10 years ago in our parish.. Twinning with Sierra Leone's Holy Family parish church. Part 3 of 3.

Posted by St John of the Cross Parish Church Ta' Xbiex on Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Fundraising Event – Gozo By Night Friday 18 September – ONLY 11 PLACES LEFT



The Excursion
16.00 Departure From Ta’ Xbiex
17.15 Ferry To Mgarr
17.45 Arrive At Mgarr Harbour
17.50 Train Ride To Gharb
18.20 Arrive At Ta Pinu Shrine
18.30 Mass
19.10 Departure To Xlendi By Calypso Trains​
19.45 Wine & Pizza At Sea Shells
21.45 Train Ride To Mgarr Scenic Route
23.00 Ferry To Cirkewwa
23.30 Coach To Ta’ Xbiex
00.15 Arrive At Ta’ Xbiex

Places available 54
Price Adults € 23.00 Children up to 12 years € 12.00

Price Includes
Transport in Malta by Coach
All Train Rides in Gozo (Train stays with group)
Wine & Pizza + Soft Drink & Ice Cream
Ferry Tickets are not included WINE & PIZZA

Pizza Capricciosa -Tomato sauce,mozzarella,ham,eggs,sausages,mushroom,olives,oregano

Pizza Margherita -tomato sauce,mozzarella,oregano

Pizza Marinara -tomato sauce,mozzarella,tuna,mussels,shrimps,vongole meat,olives,crab meat,oregano

Pizza Funghi -tomato sauce,mozzarella,oregano, mushrooms

Pizza Quattro Stagioni -tomato sauce,mozzarella,artichokes ,olives,mushroom,ham,oregano

For Tickets please contact: Pullu Cassar on 9926 2181 Maria Zahra on 7949 4323

Today 9th May the Church celebrates Saint George Preca


Today 9 May the Church celebrates St George Preca; the founder of the Society of Christian Doctrine known as MUSEUM and first Maltese saint


For the past years, on today 9th May, the Church began to celebrate St George Preca; the founder of the Society of Christian Doctrine known as MUSEUM and first Maltese saint. Although he was born to a wealthy family, Dun Gorg was living in a destitute manner. The room in which Father George (or Dun Gorg as he was called in Maltese) passed most of his life, was a very small room with a bed with a matress full of holes and with a large table with books with it. He was ordained a priest on 22nd December 1906 by Bishop Pietro Pace. Fifty years before the Vatican II council he already believed that the laity should be given much more importance in the Catholic Church. St George Preca was the first to place the Bible in the hands of laymen. Sunday 3rd June 2007 is a historic day for Malta. Under uninterrupted rain in the middle of St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, and in the presence of 5,000 Maltese, Pope Benedict XVI declared Dun Gorg Preca a saint.
