Avvizi Festa tal-Familja Mqaddsa – Parish Notices Holy Family Feastday

Avvizi Familja Mqaddsa

Avvizi tal-Parrocca  – San Gwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex

29 ta’ Dicembru 2013   Festa tal-Familja Mqaddsa


1. Nhar l-Erbgha hija l-Ewwel tas-Sena: Solennita ta’ Sidtna Marija Omm Alla u Jum il-Paci. Hija Festa Kmandata. Il-quddiesa tat-Tlieta filghaxija tkun tghodd ghall-ghada u jinkanta t-Te Deum b’radd il-hajr ghas-sena li ghaddiet..

2. Infakkar  li sat-Tlieta jaghlaq iz-zmien ghat-twegibiet tal-Kwestjonarju dwar il-Familja. Grazzi lil kulmin wiegbu jew baghtu permezz tal-Internet. Tistghu ggibuh hawn u tqeghduh fil-kaxxa ta’ hdejn il-bieb tal-knisja. 


3. Il-Gimgha hija l-Ewwel Gimgha tax-xahar. Ikollna l-adorazzjoni ta’ Gesu Ewkaristija l-gurnata kollha b’quddiesa fis-1.00 u fil-5.00 jinghad ruzarju meditat. Wara l-quddiesa pm ssir adorazzjoni minn membri tal-Kummissjoni Familja.


4. Fil-weekend li gej imbaghad naghmlu l-istrina ghall-htigijiet  tal-Knisja. Il-gabra li ghamilna x-xahar l-iehor lahqet is-somma ta’ 611.80 ewro. Ngharrafkom ukoll li ghaddejna offerta ta’ 300 ewro lid-Dar tal-Provvidenza mill-gabriet ta’ Nofsillejl tal-Milied u quddies iehor.


Nappellaw  ghal rigal tal-Milied biex ninstallaw aktar pannelli fotovoltajci ghall-uzu tal-knisja.



Parish Notices – St John of the Cross, Ta’ Xbiex

29th  December   Feast of the Holy Family  


1. By Tuesday the Church questionnaire about the Family should be sent to the Curia, preferably by Internet at www.kwestjonarju.com


. You may also drop the filled Questionnaire in the white box provided by our church door.

2. Wednesday is New Year’s Day, Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God and the Day of Peace. It’s a day of obligation. Tuesdays’ evening Mass will include the singing of the Te Deum in thanksgiving.

3. Next Friday is the first Friday of the month. We hold a Eucharistic Daywith another Mass at 01.00pm and Holy Rosary with meditation at 5.00pm.. After evening Mass members of the Family Commission will animate a half hour adoration ending with benediction.

4. Coming weekend we’ll hold the special monthly collection for the current needs of the church. Last month’s collection amounted to 611.80 euro. May I inform you that we made an offer of 300euro collected during Christmas Midnight Mass and other Masses to the Dar tal-Providenza.

May I solicit a Christmas gift for funding the installation of more photovoltaic panels for use in our church.

For more announcements, please, have a look at our Notice Boards.


Avvizi 4 Hadd Avvent – 4th Sunday of Advent Parish Notices

Avvizi tal-Parrocca  – San Gwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex

22 ta’ Dicembru 2013   4 Hadd Avvent


1. Il-Gimgha ssir Adorazzjoni mmexxija mil-Legjun ta’ Marija wara l-quddiesa pm.

2. Bil-posta f’kull dar qeghdin tircievu 2 folji kbar bil-mistoqsijiet li l-Papa Frangisku jixtieq li kull familja jew individwu jwiegbu u jibghatuhom fejn indikat fl-ahhar tal-pagni. Inkella jjistghu jitqeghduhom f’kaxxa hawn apposta fil-knisja. L-ahjar huwa li twegbuhom permezz tal-internet fuq il-website www.kwestjonarju.com


Intom mistiedna twegbuhom mill-ahjar li tistghu biex il-Papa u l-Isqfijiet f’Ruma f’Novembru tas-sena d-diehla jiddiskutuhom waqt Sinodu Straordinarju dwar il-Familja. Ahna lkoll ghandna ghal qalbna l-gid tal-familja u l-ahjar ghas-socjeta; u jkun ferm sewwa jekk kulhadd jaghmel dmiru bhala Nisrani u jaghti sehemu kif verament ihoss fil-kuxjenza u mhux minn fuq xi ktieb u jikkopja minn xi mkien iehor. |mien ghat-twegibiet hemm biss sal-ahhar ta’ Dicembru. Ghalhekk thallux ghall-ghada dak li jista’ jsir illum. Grazzi hafna.   

3. Il-Milied hu nhar l-Erbgha. Ga mil-lejl ta’ qabel neccelebrawh b’velja fil-11.00. Il-knisja tinfetah ghall-qrar fl-10.30pm. Il-gabra tal-quddiesa solenni ta’ nofsillejl tmur ghad-Dar tal-Providenza.

Infakkar fil-Christmas Buffet Dinner b’kant live minn Enzo Guzman il-Gimgha, fis-27 ta’ Dicembru, fit-8.00pm f’Lukanda l-Qawra. Dettalji jidhru fuq poster fin-Notice Boards.

It-Tnejn 30 ta’ Dicembru se naghmlu z-zjajjar lil xi presepji li hemm armati l-Belt. Nitilqu wara l-quddiesa tat-8.30am minn quddiem il-knisja taghna. Min jixtieq jigi, gentilment jibbukkja fis-Sagristija.

4. Nappellaw ghal rigal tal-Milied biex ninstallaw aktar pannelli fotovoltajci ghall-uzu tal-knisja. 

Ghal aktar avvizi, gentilment, araw in-Notice Boards


Parish Notices – St John of the Cross, Ta’ Xbiex

22nd  December  4th Sunday of Advent


1On Friday the Legion of Mary will lead a Eucharistic Adoration after evening Mass.

2. By mail you are receiving a questionnaire about the Family as requested by Pope Francis in view of the Synod of Bishops on the Family due to meet in November next year. However, this questionnaire can be viewed and preferably answered through the website www.Kwestjonarju.com. All are asked to fill in your own answers and possibly fully. Closing time for replies is the end of this month December. In our church there is a box for your replies. Or else they can be posted and addressed according to indications at the end page of the questionnaire. I earnestly appeal for dutiful collaboration and quick replies, as time for work on your replies is very short. 

3. Wednesday is Christmas. On Tuesday night our church opens at 10.30pm for confessions with Vigil at 11.00. The collection during solemn Midnight Mass will be offered to the Dar tal-Providenza at Siggiewi.

Thursday 27th December the parish celebrates its annual Christmas Dinner starting at 8.00pm in a Qawra Hotel with live seasonal singing provided by Enzo Guzman. More details are given on a poster on our Notice Boards.

Friday 30th after the 8.30am Mass we go for a tour of notable cribs in Valletta. Those interested are kindly invited to sign in the Sacristy.

4. May I solicit a Christmas gift for funding the installation of more photovoltaic panels for use in our church. 

For more announcements, please, have a look at the Notice Boards.


Avvizi 3 Hadd tal-Avvent – Parish Notices 3rd Sunday of Advent

Avvizi tal-Parrocca  – San Gwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex

15 ta’ Dicembru 2013   3 Hadd Avvent  


1. It-Tlieta ssir Adorazzjoni mmexxija mill-Moviment Marjan wara l-quddiesa pm.


2. Fil-jiem li gejjin f’kull dar se tircievu 2 folji kbar bil-mistoqsijiet li l-Papa Frangisku jixtieq li kull familja jew individwu jwiegbu u jibghatuhom fejn indikat fl-ahhar tal-pagni. Inkella jjistghu jitqeghduhom f’kaxxa hawn apposta fil-knisja. L-ahjar huwa li twegbuhom permezz tal-internet fuq il-website www.kwestjonarju.com


Inthom mistiedna twegbuhom mill-ahjar li tistghu biex il-Papa u l-Isqfijiet f’Ruma f’Novembru tas-sena d-diehla jiddiskutuhom waqt Sinodu Straordinarju dwar il-Familja. Ahna lkoll ghandna ghal qalbna l-gid tal-familja u l-ahjar ghas-socjeta; u jkun ferm sewwa jekk kulhadd jaghmel dmiru bhala Nisrani u jaghti sehemu kif verament ihoss fil-kuxjenza u mhux minn fuq xi ktieb u jikkopja minn xi mkien iehor. zmien ghat-twegibiet hemm biss sal-ahhar ta’ Dicembru. Ghalhekk thallux ghall-ghada dak li jista’ jsir illum. Grazzi hafna.    


3. Mal-bibien tal-knisja qeghdna bottijiet biex dak li jingabar fihom imur ghall-kampanja RTK 4 charity b’risq il-familji fil-bzonn u r-Refugjati. Hemm ukoll qfief ghall-oggetti tal-ikel b’risq il-familji fil-bzonn, b’inizjattiva tal-Azzjoni Kattolika.


4. Ghada (Il-lejla) l-Hadd in-New Choral Singers se joffru Kuncert tal-Milied hawnhekk fil-knisja taghna fis-7.00pm. Waqt il-Kuncert issir gabra b’risq il-hidmiet tal-Ordni ta’ San Sepulkru fl-Art Imqaddsa.


5. It-tfal tal-Katekizmu it-Tlieta 17 ta’ Dicembru fil-5.15pm se jduru xi toroq qrib il-knisja taghna jkantaw Carols tal-Milied


6. Navza u nfakkar fl-ikla ta’ kull sena li l-parrocca torganizza ghal dan iz-zmien. Se jkollna Christmas Buffet Dinner b’live singing minn Enzo Guzman fis-27 ta’ Dicembru fit-8.00pm f’Lukanda l-Qawra. Aktar dettalji jidhru fuq poster fin-Notice Boards.


7. Nappellaw ghal rigal tal-Milied biex nigbru u ssir l-installazzjoni ta’ aktar pannelli fotovoltajci ghall-uzu tal-knisja.


Parish Notices – St John of the Cross, Ta’ Xbiex

15th  December  3rd Sunday of Advent 


1. On Tuesday the Marian Movement will lead a Eucharistic Adoration after evening Mass.


2. In one of these days at each of your homes you will receive a questionnaire about the Family as requested by Pope Francis in view of the Synod of Bishops on the Family due to meet in November next year. However, this questionnaire can be viewed and preferably answered through the website www.Kwestjonarju.com. All are asked to fill in your own answers and possibly fully. Closing time for replies is the end of this month December. In our church there is a box for your replies as well. Or else they can be posted and addressed according to indications at end of questionnaire. I kindly appeal for dutiful collaboration and quick replies, as time for work on your replies is very short.  


By the church doors we placed containers for money offerings for the Campaign RTK 4 Charity in aid of persons in need and Refugees. There are also baskets for food stuffs in aid also of families in need cared for by the Catholic Action, Social Assistance section.


3. This Sunday, at 7.00pm in our church, the New Choral Singers will perform a Christmas Concert. Members of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher will make a free collection during a break in the Concert in aid of initiatives the Order has in the Holy Land.


4. Our catechism children will be doing Christmas Caroling in the vicinity of our church on Tuesday 17th December starting at 5.15pm from our Parish Centre.


5.  May I remind all that the parish will be having its annual Christmas Dinner on Thursday 27 th of December starting at 8.00pm in a Qawra Hotel. This time we shall have live seasonal singing provided by Enzo Guzman. More details are given on a poster on our Notice Boards.


6. May I solicit a Christmas gift for the collecting of funds for the installation of more photovoltaic panels for use in our church.