Avviżi 26-il Ħadd tas-Sena-Ta’ Xbiex Parish Notices: 26th Ordinary Sunday

Avviżi tal-Parroċċa  – San Ġwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex

29 ta’ Settembru 2013   26 Hadd tas-Sena 


1. Nhar it-Tlieta nagħmlu l-Festa ta’ S. Tereża tal-Bambin Ġesu. Mil-lum bdejna tliet ijiem ta’ tridu bil-priedka u l-kant fil-quddiesa ta’ fil-għaxija. Nhar it-Tlieta wkoll fil-5.00pm jsir rużarju fil-beraħ fi Triq il-Qaws.  

st therese of the child jesus

2. Nhar il-Ġimgħa, l-Ewwel Ġimgħa tax-xahar, ikollna l-adorazzjoni ta’ Ġesu Ewkaristija l-ġurnata kollha.Ikollna quddiesa fis-13.00 u fil-17.00 jingħad rużarju meditat. Wara l-quddiesa pm ssir adorazzjoni minn membri tal-Kummissjoni Familja.

3. Infakkru li qegħdin niġbru biex ninstallaw aktar pannelli fotovoltajċi għall-użu tal-knisja. S’issa nġabru mal-2,000 ewro. Iżda għadna lura

4. Il-weekend li ġej nagħmlu l-ġabra Speċjali fl-ewwel Ħadd għall-ħtiġijiet tal-knisja. 

5. Il-Kunsill Lokali jgħarraf dwar il-Vaċċin tal-Influwenza. Min għandu ’l fuq minn 55 sena jista’ jmur fl-Uffiċċju tal-Kunsill fi Triq l-Imradd biex jiġbor il-formula għal kontra l-influwenza u jirritornaha sas-Sibt, 17 ta’ Ottubru 2013.

Aktar avviżi fin-Notice Boards

 Parish Notices – St John of the Cross, Ta’ Xbiex

29th  September 2013  26th Ordinary Sunday of the Year 


1. On Tuesday we celebrate the Feast day of St Therese of Jesus with solemn sung Mass at 6.00pm. Starting yesterday evening Mass is sung with a homily in her honour.

Coming Tuesday also at 5.00pm we pray a public Rosary at the head of Triq il-Ħalġ.

2. On Friday, the first Friday of the month, we shall hold a Eucharistic DayThere’ll be Mass at 13.00hrs. At 5.00pm Holy Rosary with meditation will be recited and after evening Mass members of the Family Commission will animate a half hour adoration ending with benediction.

3. May I remind you that we are collecting funds for the installation of more photovoltaic panels. Up to now we collected over 2000 euros.

4. Next First Sunday monthly collection will be for the needs of the church. 

5. Our Local Council wishes to inform that persons over 55 years are eligible for a free influenza vaccine. Formulas for free vaccines can be withdrawn from and re-consigned at the Local Council premises until Saturday the 17th of October 2013.  

More announcements on the Notice Boards