Avvizi 3 Hadd tal-Ghid 2014-Parish Notices 3rd Sunday of Easter


 Avvizi 3 Hadd tal-Ghid 2014-Parish Notices 3rd Sunday of Easter

1. (Ghada l-Ħadd) llum fis-6.30 pm se ssir Quddiesa ta’ Radd il-Ħajr fl-okkażjoni tal-Kanonizzazzjoni tal-Papiet Ġwanni XXIII u Ġwanni Pawlu II. Mons. Arċisqof imexxi l-Quddiesa li se ssir fil-Bażilika ta’ Sant’Elena B’Kara.

Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II Canonisation Poster in Rome

2. Nhar it-Tlieta fil-5.00pm jkollna r-Ruzarju fil-berah fi Triq Onorato Bres isfel kantuniera mar-Rampa ta’ Ta’ Xbiex.


3. Fit-3 Erbgha tal-Ferhat ta’ Ommna Sidtna Marija mal-quddiesa pm jkollna omelija minn P. Ivan Scicluna Karmelitan.


4. Inheggeg ghat-talb b’rizq il-Kapitlu Provincjali fostna l-patrijiet u li jasal fi tmiemu din il-gimgha. Grazzi.


5. F’dan il-week end issir il-gabra specjali ghall-htigijiet tal-Knisja. Grazzi hafna


6. Il-Kummissjoni Djakonija qieghda torganizza Harga Kulturali madwar is-swar tal-Birgu, il-Hamis 8 ta’ Mejju. Dettalji jidhru f’posters apposta fin-Notice Boards. Dawk li jixtiequ jigu, gentilment, jibbukkjaw fis-sagristija.


7. Wasal biex jibda xoghol ghall-installazzjoni ta’ aktar pannelli fotovoltajci ghall-uzu tal-knisja. Nappellaw ghall-ghajnuna ta’ fondi. 



Parish Notices – St John of the Cross, Ta’ Xbiex

4th May   3nd Sunday of Easter  


1. This Sunday the Archbishop will lead a Mass in thanksgiving for the canonisation of saints John XXIII and John Paul II at St Helen’s Basilica B’Kara at 6.30pm.

2. On Tuesday at 5.00pm we’ll have a public Rosary at Onorato Bres Street corner with Ta’ Xbiex Ramp.

3. On Wednesday we recall the Third Joy of Mary with a homily during evening Mass by Fr Ivan Scicluna OCarm.

4. Prayers are solicited for the good of the Fathers’Provincial Chapter which will conclude its sessions this week. We are grateful for your prayers.

5. This week-end we holding the monthly special collection for the current needs of our church. Thank you.

6. The Diaconia Commission is organising a Cultural Tour around Vittoriosa’s bastions for coming Thursday 8th May. Those interested may still book in the sacristy.

7. I’m happy to announce that this week work will resume to install more photovoltaic panels for the use of our church.