Xi riflessjonijiet ohra minn Dun Pawl Camilleri dwar il-Milied, il-Familja Mqaddsa u l-Epifanija.
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Avvizi Familja Mqaddsa
Avvizi tal-Parrocca – San Gwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex
29 ta’ Dicembru 2013 Festa tal-Familja Mqaddsa
1. Nhar l-Erbgha hija l-Ewwel tas-Sena: Solennita ta’ Sidtna Marija Omm Alla u Jum il-Paci. Hija Festa Kmandata. Il-quddiesa tat-Tlieta filghaxija tkun tghodd ghall-ghada u jinkanta t-Te Deum b’radd il-hajr ghas-sena li ghaddiet..
2. Infakkar li sat-Tlieta jaghlaq iz-zmien ghat-twegibiet tal-Kwestjonarju dwar il-Familja. Grazzi lil kulmin wiegbu jew baghtu permezz tal-Internet. Tistghu ggibuh hawn u tqeghduh fil-kaxxa ta’ hdejn il-bieb tal-knisja.
3. Il-Gimgha hija l-Ewwel Gimgha tax-xahar. Ikollna l-adorazzjoni ta’ Gesu Ewkaristija l-gurnata kollha b’quddiesa fis-1.00 u fil-5.00 jinghad ruzarju meditat. Wara l-quddiesa pm ssir adorazzjoni minn membri tal-Kummissjoni Familja.
4. Fil-weekend li gej imbaghad naghmlu l-istrina ghall-htigijiet tal-Knisja. Il-gabra li ghamilna x-xahar l-iehor lahqet is-somma ta’ 611.80 ewro. Ngharrafkom ukoll li ghaddejna offerta ta’ 300 ewro lid-Dar tal-Provvidenza mill-gabriet ta’ Nofsillejl tal-Milied u quddies iehor.
Nappellaw ghal rigal tal-Milied biex ninstallaw aktar pannelli fotovoltajci ghall-uzu tal-knisja.
Parish Notices – St John of the Cross, Ta’ Xbiex
29th December Feast of the Holy Family
1. By Tuesday the Church questionnaire about the Family should be sent to the Curia, preferably by Internet at www.kwestjonarju.com
. You may also drop the filled Questionnaire in the white box provided by our church door.
2. Wednesday is New Year’s Day, Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God and the Day of Peace. It’s a day of obligation. Tuesdays’ evening Mass will include the singing of the Te Deum in thanksgiving.
3. Next Friday is the first Friday of the month. We hold a Eucharistic Day, with another Mass at 01.00pm and Holy Rosary with meditation at 5.00pm.. After evening Mass members of the Family Commission will animate a half hour adoration ending with benediction.
4. Coming weekend we’ll hold the special monthly collection for the current needs of the church. Last month’s collection amounted to 611.80 euro. May I inform you that we made an offer of 300euro collected during Christmas Midnight Mass and other Masses to the Dar tal-Providenza.
May I solicit a Christmas gift for funding the installation of more photovoltaic panels for use in our church.
For more announcements, please, have a look at our Notice Boards.