Avvizi 3 Hadd tar-Randan – Parish Notices 3rd Sunday of Lent

Avvizi tal-Parrocca – San Gwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex

23 ta’ Marzu 2014 3 Hadd tar-Randan

1. Nhar il-Gimgha jkollna Adorazzjoni mmexxija mil-Legjun ta’ Marija wara l-quddiesa 6pm.

2. Ikun xieraq li niehdu sehem f’xi kors ta’ Ezercizzi. Kull Erbgha u Gimgha tul ir-Randan issir il-Via Sagra. Fi granet ohra jissokta jsir ir-ruzarju.

Kif tistghu taraw fid-Direttorju, Nhar il-Festa tad-Duluri 11 ta’ April barra l-quddies fil-hin tas-soltu jkollna quddiesa fis-13.00 u fil-5.15 ikollna quddiesa u wara tohrog il-Purcissjoni. Meta nidhlu ssir benedizzjoni ewkaristika fil-bieb tal-knisja u wara jkollna quddiesa ohra fis-7.15pm. Huwa important li nfittxu lil Ommna Marija biex tghinna naghmlu qrara tajba ghax b’hekk nersqu zgur lejn Binha Gesu u ghas-sliem tal-qalb.

L-Erbgha tal-Gimgha Kbira naghmlu zjara lill-Mejda tal-Appostli u postijiet ohra f’Bormla. Nitilqu fid-9.15am. Ikollna refreshments fil-Kunvent ta’ S. Tereza u wara nzuru l-knisja ta’ S. Tereza u dik tal-parrocca u l-Mejda tal-Appostli. Min jixtieq jigi jibbukkja fis-sagristija.

3. L-Erbgha, il-Hamis u l-Gimgha qeghdin isiru zŻjajjar u t-Tberik tal-Familji bejn l-4.00pm u s-7.30pm. Qed nimxi fuq kif indikat fid-Direttorju Kalendarju Parrokkjali 2014. Ghalhekk nistenna li d-Direttorju tifthuh u taraw meta jmisskom.

Nappellaw ghal fondi biex ninstallaw aktar pannelli fotovoltajci. Grazzi.


Parish Notices – St John of the Cross, Ta’ Xbiex

23rd March 3rd Sunday of Lent


1. On Friday we’ll have an Adoration after 6pm evening Mass led by the Legion of Mary.

2. The Parish Family Visits are being held every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 4.00pm to 7.30pm. Kindly, consult the Parish Directory 2014 for the dates of these visits to your family. Were you to have any difficulties as to date and time of visit, please inform me beforehand, so that together we agree on an alternative date and time.

3. During Lent we have the Way of the Cross before evening Mass at 5.30pm, on Wednesdays and Fridays. On other days we pray the Rosary. Let’s not miss out on a course of spiritual exercises.

On Friday 11th April we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows with morning Masses at the usual times, but with another Mass at 13.00hrs, a Mass at 5.15 followed by the Procession and benediction by the church door at 7.15 on our return and Mass soon afterwards. Let me remind you that our devotion is best expressed with sacramental confession and communion.

On Wednesday morning of Holy Week at 9.15am, we leave from our church parvis for a Visit to traditional Mejda tal-Appostli at Cospicua with visits to the Parish church and St Teresa’s church with refreshments at the latter’s monastery. Please, book early in the sacristy.