Parish Notices 6th Sunday of Easter

(Please note you can now switch between the English and Maltese versions of the parish notices)

Parish Notices – St John of the Cross, Ta’ Xbiex

25th May- 6th Sunday of Easter

1: We are happy to announce that HG the Arcbishop is appointing a new Parish Priest for our Parish Community. He is Fr. Salvino Spagnol. Also Fr. Alfred Vassallo has been appointed as associate Parish Priest, so that together with the other Fathers they may render their priestly ministry to our parish. We also extend our best wishes to Fr. Alfred Debono who has been appointed prior and superior of the community of fathers. We all wish them well and please remember them in your prayers.

Fr Salv Spagnol
Fr Salv Spagnol

2: On Wednesday we recall the Sixth Joy of Mary with a homily during evening Mass by Fr. Ivan Scicluna O.Carm.  fr ivan scicluna

3: Thursday at 5 pm we celebrate the Crowning of our Lady led by the children who attend Catechisim classes. Rosary is said by the children before the Mass.

4: On Friday, after evening mass, we`ll have a Eucharistic Adoration led by the Members of the Legion of Mary.

therese of avila

Work is being done to install photovoltaic panels for the use of our Church. We still need about 12,000 euros. Thanks for your generosity.  

Proġett Ta' Enerġija Alternativa  Jonqos jinġabru € 12,000.00. F'Ta' Xbiex għixu mas-700 familja. B' Donazzjoni ta' € 0.50 cents fil-ġimgħa minn kull familja niġbru l-ammont li baqa' sa l-aħħar ta' sena.  Kull donazzjoni hija apprezzata. Grazzi
Alternative Energy Project.  Still needed: € 12,000.00. 700 families live in Ta’ Xbiex.

(Please note you can now switch between the English and Maltese versions of the parish notices)

Avviżi It-Twelid tal-Verġni Marija: 23-il Ħadd tas-Sena-Ta’ Xbiex Parish Notices: 23rd Ordinary Sunday Feast of Our Lady of Victories

Avviżi tal-Parroċċa  – San Ġwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex

8 ta’ Settembru 2013   23 Hadd tas-Sena  It-Twelid tal-Verġni Marija


It-Tlieta wara l-quddiesa pm issir Adorazzjoni mill-Grupp tal-Ħniena Divina.


2. Ġenituri li għandhom uliedhom li twieldu fl-2008 u jixtiequ jirreġistrawhom għall-katekiżmu fil-parroċċa tagħna għandhom jagħmlu dan minn għada t-Tnejn fil-ħinijiet tal-Uffiċċju. Il-bidu tas-Sena Kateketika tkun il-Ħamis 26 ta’ Settembru fil-5.00pm fil-knisja u l-lezzjonijiet jibdew it-Tlieta 1 ta’ Ottubru.


3. Infakkru li qegħdin niġbru biex ninstallaw aktar pannelli fotovoltajċi għall-użu tal-knisja. S’issa nġabru mal-2,000 ewro. Baqa’ niġbru 18,000. Se jiġu installati għall-aħħar ta’ Diċembru. U nkunu rridu nħallsu għalihom fil-pront. Grazzi li min qiegħed jagħti sehmu u nappellaw lil min għadu ma bediex biex ma jħallix għall-aħħar. Grazzi.


4. Il-Ġimgħa 20 ta’ Settembru se nagħmlu ġurnata oħra fi Sqallija bil-katamaran. Min jixtieq jieħu sehem ikellimna fis-sagristija.

 Facebook event:

5. Fil-week-end li ġej nagħmlu l-ġabra ta’ kull sena b’risq l-Art Imqaddsa.

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Parish Notices – St John of the Cross, Ta’ Xbiex

8thSeptember 2013 23nd Ordinary Sunday of the Year  Feast of Our Lady of Victories

1. On Tuesday after evening Mass there’ll be Adoration led by the Divine Mercy Group.

2. Children born during 2008 may be registered for our parish catechism classes from next Monday during Office hours. The inauguration of the catechism year will be held on Thursday 26th September at 5.00pm in the church and classes will begin on Tuesday 1stOctober from 5.00 to 6.00pm in the Parish Centre.

3. May I remind you that we are collecting funds for the installation of more photovoltaic panels to offset electricity expenses incurred especially by the airconditioning system in our church. Generous persons have already contributed about 2000 euros, but that’s still a far cry from the 18,000 euros still needed to pay by early next year when the panels are expected to be in place.

4. Next week end collections will be in aid of Catholic Missions and Places  in the Holy Land.

5. On Friday the 20thof September we’ll have another Day Tour of Sicily by Catamaran. Anybody interested may register in the sacristy.

Facebook event:

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